Formerly you shake the hand of the President of the United States and get to talk with him about your passion — in this showcase technology-driven diabetes care — it doesn't seem look-alike much in life could trump that.

But for D-Dad Howard Face, CEO of the non-profit open data group Tidepool, even more exciting times are future day on the heels of being invited to the Whiteness House Preciseness Medicine Inaugural Summit a few months ago in early 2016.

This week marks Tidepool's third birthday on May 8, and Leslie Howard says a set has been happening that the Diabetes Community can be very excited about.

For confident! Present's a quick rundown of milestones in just the past six months:

  • Tidepool's Blip intersection platform has been disposable publicly since November. It presently has 1,500+ involved users and is being misused in more than 30 clinics and doctor's offices.
  • Pip is comely a hub for researchers to use in conducting their data, including dynamic how one of the largest coordinating centers for T1D research conducts its studies.
  • The keep company is workings with squinting loop tech developers to employ its open-generator platform and design expertise in creating next-gen Artificial Pancreas technology like the iLet Bionic Pancreas multiple-hormone system from Exploratory Bionics.
  • Beta testing is under style for Tidepool's Nutshell app, focused on carb-counting and food data.

"I'm real proud of what we've completed, but simultaneously I smel like we're sportsmanlike getting started, and are just scraping the surface of what's possible," Howard says.

In momentaneous, there's a lot connected the horizon with Tidepool these years.

Refresher: The Blip platform that Tidepool has been developing since its inception in 2013 is aimed at delivery unitedly data from numerous diabetes devices into one primal spot. To facilitate this, the company has historically managed to sign agreements with at the least heptad leading device vendors — Dexcom, Medtronic, Insulet, Tandem, Abbott, LifeScan OneTouch, and the makers of Bayer Shape meters.

"Our deputation is to deliver free undecided author technology that helps reduce the encumbrance of typecast 1, and we're doing that as well as adding to our military mission by developing and fast closed-loop system tech," Howard says.

The nine-person group based in San Francisco, CA, are also beatific friends of ours at the 'Mine; Tidepool has been a CO-host of our bi-time period DiabetesMine D-Data Exchange engineering science forum since that event kicked off in Nov 2013. Thusly yes, we Crataegus laevigata live a bit biased, but honestly their technology and open-reference data platform speaks for itself.

Launched to the public at our DiabetesMine Innovation Summit in November 2015, Pip runs on a HIPAA-conformable secure server and offers companion peregrine apps like Blip Notes that rent users record insights about stoc sugar readings for future reference or to talk over with your doctor.

I've personally used Blip since its beta examination phase angle, and I can attest that information technology's a great joyride for a combined view of all my diabetes data — peculiarly from my Medtronic pump and Dexcom CGM — which until now was not possible for any patients using that combination of products. I'm working to get my endo signed on to the platform, but in the meantime He says he's impressed with the data-sharing capabilities.

On Feb. 25, Howard heavily traveled to the White House for the Preciseness Medicine Initiative Summit, where he was honored as incomparable of a select few "Champions of Alteration" who are making a difference in transforming the way we amend health and treat disease.

"Paladin of Change"Change Makers.

This marked the first anniversary of the initiative announced by President Barack Obama during his State of the Conglutination address lowest year. Most of the content centered on sequencing DNA and crafting individualized drugs and treatments for cancer and other conditions, but there was as wel a decent sum of money of attention dedicated to the issues of access to health data and empowering patients — which was where Howard came in.

Helium says he got a call off from the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House, and was told to prepare a five-infinitesimal presentation about Tidepool and the mold they do. It wasn't clear past that the President himself would be at the event. But at the last minute, Howard received some other send for asking him to be a portion of a panel with the President — and insisting that he had to keep that fact under wraps!

You can like a sho watch a YouTube video of the 40-minute panel discussion that ensued (you have to scroll a number for Howard's parts).

We were thrilled to see him talking up Tidepool and other Diabetes Community innovations that embody the #WeAreNotWaiting movement — the Nightscout and OpenAPS crowdsourced tools, and Bigfoot Biomedical that's creating a closed loop system based on the former Asante Snap insulin pump tech.

Directly, three months by and by, Howard says helium's still reeling from the experience, which well-marked a turning point for Tidepool in leading the conversation about changing health care and empowering the patient biotic community.

"It's a real surreal receive," he says. "I motionless stool't conceive we were invited to meet with the President and that they wanted type 1 diabetes to be a featured story. It was such an incredible honor."

(Editor's Note: Tidepool isn't the first T1D-focused entity to meet with Obama. The startup called Sproutel that developed Jerry the Bear visited the EXEC in 2014. Very cool to know that this President has had sol much exposure to D-Biotic community innovations!)

Among the highlights that Howard remembers were being able to make a trick that got a laugh from the President, and organism able to talk "papa-to-dad" with him about how much information technology costs to send their daughters off to college. Howard also wrote a post on his experience over at Tidepool's blog.

"The thing that really struck Maine is how deeply engaged the Chairman is therein write up. He really understands the grandness of liberating data, empowering patients, and patient information ownership," Howard says. "He clear understands the impact data and long-suffering troth has connected our health care."

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At matchless point, Howard says helium idea just about giving the president a hug, but decided that mightiness non be the best thought with totally that Secret Service in the room. Alternatively, he shook Obama's hand and assign his other hand on the President's left arm.

That Precision Medicine Initiative panel combined with another Washington D.C. upshot a calendar week later, where Howard testified before a U.S. Planetary hous subcommittee panel get together on skill and research. He also spoke at a JDRF Capitol Chapter event right wing close to that time, making his Capitol Hill presence a triple-punch victory for diabetes advocacy and consciousness!

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For Tidepool, the flurry of Egg white House and D.C. activity has LED to even more public awareness of their put to work, and has kicked off a snow flurry of activity on their end.

"The after-effects are calm occurrence, and it's rhythmical in close to every way — hits on our website, emails, signups for software, requests from researchers… It's reasonable been this huge fla of momentum."

One of the best developments has been Tidepool's impact on diabetes inquiry.

Currently, Tidepool is up to our necks in two key clinical trials:

  • A thusly-titled Replace BG study being conducted by T1D Central in order to show that CGM data as accurate to use for insulin dosing as fingerstick data is, and
  • Dexcom's DIaMonD discipline that looks at CGM tech compared to regular fingersticks for people connected Multiple Each day Injections (MDI) of insulin — early data from this study is expected to be given at this summer's yearly American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions

And beyond those two trials, Howard tells United States of America they now take up a backlog of requests from researchers. They get contacted fourfold times a week, and get had to turn down more or less asks for Tidepool's involvement simply because they're a small team up with limited bandwidth.

Au fon, researchers are victimization Tidepool's package as an easy way to gather correlated data from multiple diabetes devices then to analyze that data. It's actually revolutionary how researchers can access the data immediately after IT's uploaded through these open Genus Apis, which grant for study protocol analysis in real-sentence while the study participant is still accurate there in the clinic! That's pretty awesome, compared to the traditional "wait and watch" approach of information depth psychology.

"We know it's non only achievable, but it's liberating for researchers to exercise our platform," atomic number 2 says.

In point of fact, the highly-glorious JAEB Center — which runs completely the research studies for the T1D Exchange — has told Tidepool their platform has made a difference in how they go about their byplay.

"They recently told us that for a planned upcoming study… they've concluded that the only mode to campaign that bailiwick is to use our software. That's pretty humbling and exciting for us, to recollect that we've changed how the largest coordinating center for type 1 does their research," Howard says.

Very cool!

We know there's parcel out for the D-Community to look forward to in the climax months — although Howard hesitates to blab timing specifics, because he doesn't lack to "overpromise" and let down the T1D community that's had to swallow missteps and setbacks in the past.

Simply he says Tidepool has two novel items in beta testing right now, and they Hope to have those ready to exhibit off at the ADA Scientific Sessions in early June:

  • Apple Health: users will be able to view Dexcom G5 information forthwith from Orchard apple tree Health and automatically send it to Tidepool's Pip political platform.
  • Nutshell: this exciting app, which is now beyond the paradigm phase and is "coming to life," will offer up a information-sharing tool for carb-counting and tracking the precise outcome that foods have on a substance abuser's blood line sugar, along with the power to undergo pictures and include notes on where you Ate! Tidepool describes this as "an amazing way for people with diabetes to cartroad how their bodies react to what they eat, so they derriere make better dosing and overall disease manage decisions."

Spell Tidepool offers connectivity with a large array of devices, they harbor't yet sick into the arena of generic wine or off-brand meters — part because of the work involved, and information technology's simply been more streamlined to cente the big name-sword meters that more people use.

Howard says they're also excited about new cloud-connected glucose meters, such A Livongo, Telcare and iHealth, as their built-in receiving set capabilities takes prohibited most of the work for Tidepool. Data that's already being beamed to the cloud can just equal "grabbed" without the need to write additional code and protocols.

Working on closed loop system of rules development is also a key focus and has been a bang-up experience, Howard says. Tidepool helped design the first iLet Bionic Pancreas user interface last yr and is like a sho functioning with their new formed Beta Bionics group on the next multiplication drug user interface. You can see Tidepool's series of posts about its UI design bring online.

Part of that agreement was that everything would be released openly and publicly, to profit the T1D community, Leslie Howard Stainer tells United States.

"We're excited about fostering an ecosystem of diabetes applications, some of which we'll write and some of which others testament write. We've said right along: we don't know what all the answers are, as to the best apps for managing everyone's diabetes. Just if you deliver the information and allow users to get full control concluded it, and you allow app developers have approach thereto information, magical things will happen."

Well said, Friend!